Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, March 17, 2011

10 years and 33 weeks!

John and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary today! On one hand, I think, "Only 10 years?" and on the other hand, I think, "Wow 10 years, already?" Really, it has been a wonderful 10 years. I tell John all the time, "I love our life!" I would not change anything about it! I know I definitely "married up"! I started praying for my future husband in the 10th grade. I prayed that he would be growing in his walk with the Lord and that God would be preparing him to be my husband. I love to hear what God was doing in his life at that time and how my prayers were answered. My sister sang a song in our wedding called, "How could I Ask for More?" by Cindy Morgan. My favorite line in the song talks about how that heartaches are often "blessings in disguise". Thank you Lord, how could I ask for more?

10 years later and 1 and a half kids later! Here I am at 33 weeks. Everything is going great. The room is almost ready. We went to the doctor on Monday and had our 5th ultrasound. At the 4th ultrasound, my doctor told me that I had a "low lying placenta". This means that if it did not move, I would have to be scheduled for a C-section. I understand that women have these everyday, but that is not how I delivered Dalton, and really did not want that for this one either. It would also put a little more stress on the rest of the pregnancy because evidently, it could be kinda dangerous for the mother if it ruptures! YIKES! So, we prayed about it and really an overwhelming peace came over me that week. I knew that this baby was growing and healthy and in God's hands. But, when we went on Monday, everything had moved up and she is head down and turned face down, which is different than her brother. He wanted to be face up when he entered the world, which made for a little bit of a harder delivery. She also said that Macey is already over 5 lbs and is on track to be a 9 lb baby!!!!WHAT? She said she did not think I wanted to deliver this baby full term at 9 lbs so she would talk in the later appts about inducing by week 39, if she does not come before then! I knew she felt big! I am just so thankful for a healthy baby! I am still sleeping well and eating alot. Acid reflux was an issue a few weeks ago, but it has subsided for now. Dalton went with us the ultrasound Monday and since she was already turned face down, we could not see her face, but he requested to hear the heartbeat again! We are all very excited about her arrival!

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