Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

27 Weeks

Third trimester....Here we come! I think as I type this my blood pressure is rising. When I say we have nothing done.....I mean we have NOTHING done! The bedding has not been bought, her room is still the "catch all" room, and bless her heart, this sweet girl still has no name. Thankfully, my pregnancy is going great! At my last OB appointment, I had that great experience at weigh-in where the nurse is moving the bottom slider on the scale farther and farther to the right and then reaches the end. She then has to move the top slider to the next notch and start the bottom one all over again at the left....YIKES! I thing I have gained somewhere around 25 pounds. My doctor doesn't seem to be concerned, so neither am I! I am feeling her move more and more. I have also noticed patterns of movement. She seems to be busier at night and more calm during the day. Dalton is commenting more and more about my growing belly and frequently asks if it's almost time for the baby to get here. The other day John and I were telling him what a big boy he is getting. He corrected us and said, "I am not a big boy, I am a Big Brother!" I stand corrected!:)
Dalton loves dressing up in his pirate, cowboy, doctor, and super hero costumes. I am reminded frequently of how wild at heart boys are. I have always heard that boys are constantly needing to be told that they are "good enough". He loves to play "super hero" and comes and asks, "Mom, do you need help?" That's when I quickly come up with a "problem" and say, "My cat is stuck up in the tree! Can you help me?" or "My house is on fire!". That's when he quickly comes to the rescue! As you can see below, he is dressed in his Bat Man costume, checking out my growing belly.

I come in contact with a lot of people everyday that I have never told that I am pregnant. I have noticed some of them staring at my belly before this week, but I think have just been too scared to ask if I was pregant or not. This week, they got up the nerve, and started asking, "Are you pregnant?" HA! I love it! I had to include this picture too. The Wests got Dalton a Toy Story Operation Game for his birthday and he and Dad have played this game a lot this week. Not sure who is having more fun, John or Dalton!

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