Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day January 10, 2011

WOW! Hello snow! We got about 3-4 inches of snow Sunday night. This just absolutely thrilled Dalton's soul! Sunday, after church, we went to eat lunch and we saw one of the first grade teachers at ABS, Ms. Morton. She brought her cell phone over to show Dalton the weather map and the snow that was headed our way. His face lit up and he started making plans. He said, "Mom, if it snows a little bit during my nap, don't wake me up. But if it snow a lot, wake me up!" Needless to say, actually getting him to lay down at all with the thought that snow may be coming soon, was very difficult. He was more excited about the snow that he was about Santa coming at Christmas! I think he closed his eyes for maybe an hour and then it was SNOW TIME! (For some reason, my setting on my computer was set wrong and it uploaded them all to the right. I did not want to upload them again, so I have numbered the captions. Hopefully, this will make some sense!)

1.) Snow Angels!

2. )First ride on his new sled

3. )Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

4.) Catching snowflakes on his tongue

5.) So the worse part about getting snow at night, is having an almost 4 year old little boy that remembers it in the morning and wakes up at 5:45 in the morning to go play in it. I held him off until 8. I had to take his picture under the clock to proove why we deserve the "Parents of the Year" Award :) Let's go play!

6.) So this is our 4th winter in the this house and every year it has snowed and the hill we live on has been great for all the neighborhood kids to sled on. Wouldn't you know it.....the year Dalton got his first sled, someone totally plowed our street! We could not believe it! We had to get in the car and look for a hill with snow to try out the new sled. We found this local park with hills and had so much fun sledding.

7.) Sledding with Dalton. Not sure sledding at 6 months pregnant is highly recommended, but how could I resist? Baby sister loved it too!

8.) Now this is THE LIFE! My turn!

9.) Big boy sledding by himself.

10.) Boys will be boys!

11.) The park we went to had a great bumpy metal slide. It had snow piled on it and when he went down it the first time, he went down the first 2 bumps and then flew off and landed in a huge pile of snow. His bottom never even touched the bottom of the slide! He got up and said, "That was FUN! I wanna do that again!" Dare devil!

12.) Our snowman made with random Mr. Potato Head pieces.

13.) Dad firing a snowball at Dalton in the great "Dad vs. Dalton snowball fight".

14.) Man to man combat!

15.) Now that's just cruel....hitting them while their down!

16.) Look at their faces....A picture of pure snow delight!

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