Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Table Work and Snow Day

I have always heard that while a child is developing strongly in one area, the other areas of development will lay low. Dalton has always been extremely gross motor oriented....running, jumping, climbing, etc....Just since Christmas, we have seen him really developing those fine motor skills....cutting, writing, painting, etc.... He shows a great interest in them as well and it seems to hold his attention longer than before. It may have something to do with the fact that it has been so cold and snowy outside that there has been more of an opportunity for these skills to grow!

Gran and Pop gave him a huge stack of foam pieces for Christmas that is great for learning to cut. I draw different shapes on them and he loves cutting them out. He does great staying on the lines and turning the paper too!
Tracing the letter Q. They are really working hard on learning to write their names at school and he is doing so well. He is also doing well at naming and identifying the letters of the alphabet.

Dalton's masterpiece!

Another round of winter weather hit Arkansas this week. We got about 6-8 inches of snow in Central AR, but the worst hit was NW AR. Fayettville area got over 20 inches of snow.....that's just CRAZY!

Dalton kept running the window shouting, "Mom! It's Christmas!"
It does kinda look like Christmas and it definitely puts me in the mood for Christmas music!

At bedtime tonight, Dalton prayed that the sun would never come out again. I think he loves the snow!

After an afternoon playing in the snow, Dalton enjoyed warming up with Dad on the couch, watching a movie together.
Funny for the week: Last Sunday, after church, we were talking to Dalton about his lesson in Children's Worship at church. He told us there were some mean guys that beat up another guy. The "Great American" came and put him on his donkey, took him to a hotel, and fixed all his "boo-boos"! "Great American"....."Great Samaritan".....same difference, right?!

1 comment:

Dawne C. said...

Didn't know Dalton was a lefty. Looks like he would make an OT proud now. He's always made us SLPs proud :)